Using blink(1) with nagios/nagstamon, and teatime!

nagios-blink1-jacobJacob is a user of nagios, the popular server monitoring tool, and nagstamon, a nagios status monitor tray icon for the desktop. But, as he notes:

Problem is the tray icon is not that present and sometimes I don’t see the notification in time. The blink(1) is the perfect addon for this, I now can see if something is wrong even if my screen is off.

He wrote a quick wrapper script to connect blink(1) to nagios and nagstamon and now he gets visual notifications without peering at a tiny tray icon.

See video of it in action on his blog post.

He also made a great set of command-line aliases for other daily blink(1) uses: nagios-blink1-jacob-teatime

Thanks Jacob, these are great!